Invoice & Billing Services Training Provider Application Training Provider Services

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"Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty."
~Albert Einstein

Training Provider Services

We recognize that Training Providers play a vital role in linking people seeking jobs with employers looking for qualified, talented potential employees. To assist them in this role, we provide a number of services to assist Training Providers.

Core Services:

I-Train offers tools for Training Providers to use to connect with job seekers or clients who are in need of training or re-training in order to stay competitive in today's job market. The heart of this connectivity are our workshop scheduling tools. We provide tools for Training Providers to list their training courses and workshops so that job seekers can find the best course or workshop to fit their needs. I-Train also offers comprehensive reporting for Training Providers, so they can track each course or workshop to see which ones are in demand. This helps the Training Providers focus their efforts on providing the training that people are interested in.

Billing and Invoice Services:
  • Invoicing Services - I-Train has automated the invoicing process, helping Training Providers generate and manage the invoices for their courses and workshops.
  • Bill Tracking Services -
  • Supportive Services Invoices - I-Train offers several on-line tools to help Training Providers manage and track their Supportive Services Invoices, including Payment Authorization, Batch Processing, and Check Voiding and Reissuing.
Client Status Reporting:

I-Train has created VISTA - View Individual Services and Training Account - on-line tools to help Training Providers track who is attending their courses and workshops. As part of VISTA, I-Train offers Training Providers a look at what training courses and workshops each client is eligible for and interested in taking. This helps Training Providers create a training overview to see what other courses and workshops they may be able to offer each client to help them complete their training and get ready for employment in their chosen industry or career.

Training Provider Help:

I-Train offers a comprehensive help section to assist Training Providers with any questions or issues they may have. Not only do we offer our extensive expertise, but our Help system makes it easy for Training Providers to ask other Training Providers for assistance with any issues they have - expanding our knowledge base exponentially.

Training Providers can search our collection of questions provided by other Training Providers over the years. If they can not find an answer to the question or issue they have, they can also post a question to the group through our form, and either the development team or other Training Providers that use I-Train.