Invoice & Billing Services Training Provider Application Training Provider Services

Click the Providers link to log on to the Partner Portal and submit invoices.

"Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty."
~Albert Einstein



These days information and tutorials are at our fingertips, but finding quality training presented in a way that people can understand is rare and valuable. If you offer training like that, at a fair and competitive price, and are looking for people to fill your classes and workshops, we can help! We maintain the Eligible Training Provider list, and we can put you on that list and refer clients who are in need of training to you. We also offer tools for you to use to track and process the people that come through your school.

To submit an invoice, click on the Providers link in the gray bar at the top of the screen and log in. Then you will be taken to the Invoices section.